We’re gonna start a movement!
From now on it’s all about the word FAKE. As in FAKE food. No, it
doesn’t stand for anything. It’s just what most food is.
Here’s a list of fake foods:
Anything processed
Anything grown with chemicals
Anything genetically altered
Any meat or animal food coming from an animal that was not fed its natural diet
Any animal food on antibiotics or hormones
Anything that is not organic.
**Organic processed foods are also fake.
Anything grown with herbicides or pesticides
Just about anything you can’t pronounce.
Anything that has to be extracted through the use of chemicals
Anything that is ripened with a gas instead of naturally on the plant such as tomatoes
This is a very important question.
For many years now, the majority of our supermarket selection has been
made up of fake food. Even in most health food stores, the majority of
the food falls under one or more of these categories. Therein lies the
problem: we're conditioned to think certain things are natural and healthy, but
they're not. We’re conditioned to believe that Splenda is natural
because at one point there was sugar involved.
We are used to “foods” with chemicals. We think nothing of the process
by which soy protein was taken from the seed and instead just think,
“Oh it’s soy, and therefore natural”.
Conventionally grown fruits and vegetables now means they are
genetically altered, grown with herbicides, pesticides and
petroleum-based fertilizers, and are usually picked before ripened and
shipped across the world. Don’t think the phrase 'conventionally
grown' was an accident either--this is a marketing term. Same with
grain-fed, hormone and antibiotic pumped, factory farmed animals and
animal products. This is now 'conventionally grown' food, while
organic (ACTUAL conventionally grown food) is labeled like it’s some
holier than thou yuppie/hippie thing.
The problem though is that a conventionally grown vegetable vs. an
organic vegetable aren’t the same. It’s not just that one is saturated in bug spray and weed killer. It’s not just that they are now genetically completely different plants. It’s that due to
growing conditions the organic vegetable will have a much greater
amount of vitamins and minerals. Not to mention that many times the
pesticides and herbicides that are in the “conventionally grown” plant
actually block absorption of any of the nutrients that are left in the
vegetable before playing hell on your hormones.
Meat and animal products are scarier still. Talk about taking
something that has always been one of the greatest sources of health
on the planet and turning it into a killer! Factory farmed meat and
meat from a pasture raised or wild animal could not be more
different. Just like the conventionally grown fruits and vegetables,
factory farmed meat was never meant to be food and is loaded with poisons.
I’m encouraged that people seem to be seeing more that processed foods
are bad, but they don’t realize that McDonald’s '100% real beef'
really means 100% real frankenbeef. They also don’t realize that the
fast food salad they’re about to get may look like a salad, but the
truth is there is nothing in that bowl that is real food. Everything
from the lettuce to the carrots to the dressing is fake. None of it
has the nutrients they were meant to eat, but it is all loaded with
chemicals that they were NEVER meant to eat. Most of it has also been
genetically altered, the effects of which we've never studied. So
which do you want to order: salad or nutritionally-void, chemical
filled cancer bowl?
Honestly I’m being too hard on the fast food companies; it’s the same
in most conventional restaurants as well. Actually, it’s the same in
most home cooking.
This is why I find the word FAKE so important. It’s not organic and
grass fed vs conventionally grown. It’s food you were never supposed
to eat (fake) vs food.
I believe if we started looking at food in that way, we might start
making a bit more progress in our fight to win our food back. Just
imagine walking down the produce aisle and seeing apples just beside
the FAKE apples. Now it’s not about price. There’s just no reason to
buy FAKE apples. Personally I’d rather eat a brownie than an apple if
I know they’re both going to kill me anyway.
So, I believe we should start a movement; a campaign to get rid of the mentality of conventionally grown vs. organic and replace it with fake food vs. food. I think with everyone working together, we can do this and make an even bigger difference in public consciousness. Change the consciousness, change what people buy. Corporations don’t make what we won’t buy.
Let me know what you think. Do you believe that the term FAKE in our
food labeling would help people to make the right decision? Do you think people would buy a FAKE burger from McDonalds or a FAKE salad? Do you think people would buy the FAKE carrots in the grocery store? How do you think these companies would react to this type of forced labeling? Would they change their ways? Do you think changing the collective consciousness could be done without the labeling? Buzz words in society do after all become marketing campaigns.
Until next time,
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moose - although she may never have cause to use that one************Isn't English fun?! !?
Posted by: vibram toe shoes | 27 May 2011 at 11:22 PM