If you’ve been reading for any amount of time, you know that I’m all about diet. To me, a healthy diet is not only extremely important to maintain but it’s also truly fascinating to learn more about. This said though, I’m going to say something that might seem a little surprising.
Some of you are worrying about the details way too much.
I keep a pretty close ear to the chatter in the health and fitness community and I have to say that more than ever before, the details really detracting from the main message of nutrition.
I get questions from readers and potential clients all the time about the tiniest nuances of a healthy diet that they’ve heard debated ad nauseam. There’s nothing wrong with learning or implementing something that is good for you but the truth is, most people are paralyzed by all of these tiny questions. They can’t see the forest for the trees.
I had a guy who eats McDonald’s 5 times per week ask me how he could manipulate his carb to fat ratio for better performance and weight loss. I had a woman that starts each week buying two 12 packs of Diet Coke ask me if blueberries would really help her lose belly fat. I have people on a regular basis come to me that have given up fruit because of the sugar but they see nothing wrong with living primarily on “Healthy Choice” meals.
This is nothing new. There’s always an attention sucking villain that detracts from a healthy society. For years it’s been fat, or carbs, or calories altogether. I guess what bothers me now is the fact that with the internet, it’s become more specialized and segmented. It seems everyone has their own crusade against some food or nutrient. If you don’t have a crusade against something, you probably have one food you think is the cure all.
There are millions of people that replace “evil milk” with soy in their 24oz venti cup of coffee they drink with their breakfast donuts.
Here’s the point. Most of the nutrition you hear discussed is very elitist and holds no value to your average person that eats a diet soaked in processed chemicals and hormones. The majority of it is merely driven by the fact that someone selling a book needs to have a new angle to come at you with.
Mistakes are easy when chasing details.
If you’re diet consists of fast food and TV dinners (do they still call them that?) you really don’t need to obsess about the sugar in fruit or whether or not agave is a healthy sweetener. You don’t need to know which brand of fish oil is the best. If this is you, it shouldn’t matter if the latest study says milk helps to burn stomach fat. Just stop listening to all the chatter and get the basics down.
What are the basics? If I had to boil it all down to the only concept you need to know about diet it’s quite simply, get rid of what’s not natural. This means nothing processed, genetically altered, filled with hormones, or laced with manmade chemicals. Once you get that down you can start to look into whether or not grains are good for you, check out raw foods, see if you should be supplementing with vitamin D, or look into your metabolic type. However, if you can’t do that, paying any mind to the latest health study/trend is probably just holding you back.
Until next time,
PS: If you like this article please hit the “like” button below for Facebook! You can also follow me on Facebook by going to www.facebook.com/fitnessquests
Great article!!! Keep it simple or as you say, What are the Basics. I do get tired of listening to the latest greatest thing, so sticking to the basics makes a whole lot of sense! Thanks.
Posted by: Holly | 08 September 2010 at 02:26 PM
Thank you Holly for the comment and kind words. It's painful to see so many people spinning their wheels trying desperately get their health back only to be side tracked time and time again by the latest "if you're not doing this, you may as well not be getting out of bed in the morning" idea.
People are waking up though and I do love when I can help someone along!
Posted by: FitnessQuests | 08 September 2010 at 09:53 PM