When I was younger I always wondered why Campbell's chicken noodle soup was supposed to be a cure all. While having mom make me that soup and grill cheese was always a highlight of being stuck home sick, I have to say that it never really made me feel any better physically.
Why, if chicken soup is supposed to be so magical, didn't it ever make me feel any better? Because, like most other "phudes" you buy in the grocery stores, Campbell's soup just isn't real.
Broth is something that if done right can take anywhere from 8-72 hours to make and that doesn't include any prep time. So it's easy to see why it's become so popular to just go pick some up off the shelf at your local grocery store. The problem with this approach however is that real broth is one of the most mineral dense foods in the world while store bought is often just water loaded with health damaging salt and MSG.
Many hours of boiling soup bones causes the valuable minerals and healthy fats to seep out of the bone and bone marrow and into the broth. Most of us are severely deficient in minerals and this can and does lead to a huge array of health problems. When you have a cold, your immune system requires heightened levels of minerals such a zinc and selenium and if it doesn't get them, it will take from your already depleted stores. Real broth helps you to become better by providing you with these and other much needed minerals while helping to rehydrate you.
Broth isn't only for when you're sick however. Most of us are chronically deficient in trace minerals and real broth is one of the best (and most delicious) ways of getting them into your diet.
If you're like many people and you've never made broth before, it can seem a little daunting. That's OK. Just check out the post I've linked to below to get started.
Oh, one more quick note... boiling a soup bone with some meat on it for an hour might give you good flavor, but if you want the true health benefits of the bone marrow, you need to keep it in much longer. That's where the 8-72 hours comes in.
I have learned that some people need to see how bone broth is made before they dive in and do it themselves. The “Making Bone Broth” videos on this blog will hopefully make it even easier for people to get started.
via movingstronglyforward.typepad.com
Until next time,
chicken soup is a must for any one with cold,Chinese used it a lot in that case.
Posted by: chicken soup lover | 21 May 2011 at 12:04 AM
I've never thought about it before. I like your vision of this situation.
Posted by: writer employment | 11 October 2011 at 09:06 AM
I had a good read! How well do you handle conflict? I like your vision of this condition.
Posted by: Most Popular Minerals | 19 October 2011 at 06:19 AM
Wow, very nice post! Welcome here phdworks.org!
Posted by: Michael Borr | 11 April 2012 at 05:47 AM
I agree with you, broth has lots of health benefits. It's rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and many other trace minerals.
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Posted by: Propylene Glycol | 29 October 2012 at 02:40 AM