As most of you know, the Food Pyramid is the USDA's guide to healthy eating. It involves the classification of foods into groups while giving recommendations as to how many servings you need from each group for optimal health. What you probably don't know is that it's a top source of our obesity problem and it's killing you.
In 1978 the FDB (a consumer co-op in Denmark) created the food pyramid. In 1992 the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) adopted this system to replace the antiquated “food groups” system which had been in place in some form since its introduction in 1916.
In 2000, the food pyramid was altered and the MyPyramid program as established. This new pyramid did more to promote exercise and healthier options than its predecessor but also left its instruction more vague and complicated to follow. In 2005 there was another alteration which brings us to the current version.
There have been several other forms of the pyramid created by other entities. For instance in 2009, Harvard School of Public Health created the Healthy Eating Pyramid which focused more on exercise and separating food groups into their healthiest forms.
Sounds pretty boring and straight forward right? How could this be anything but helpful? Here comes an awakening.
For many of us, the food pyramid represents our first understanding that something called nutrition actually exists other than your parents telling you to finish your vegetables. It also has much to do with the curriculum taught to nutritionists and dieticians. This makes it highly unfortunate that much of it is either very vague and misleading, or flat out wrong. So let’s take a look now at the pyramid.
For our example we’re going to use the one I grew up with which was introduced in 1992. Believe me, the new one might look better but it has its own unforgivable weaknesses.
I started school in 1985 in Florida. When in first grade, my school put it in the curriculum to begin learning about nutrition. This was all very simple stuff really. We learned things like Mr. Apple was a fruit and therefore he was in the fruits and vegetables group and is therefore, good for you. Anything that was in one of the four food groups was considered good for you.
The four food groups were breads & cereals, fruits & vegetables, meat, and the milk group. There was later a fifth group added called the fat and sweets group. In the next several years it was drilled into our heads to only eat from the four food groups and try to not eat too much food from the fifth food group.
Then in 6th grade (1992) they introduced the Food Pyramid. Honestly this changed very little. It was really nothing more than a visual representation of what they’d been preaching for years. They split up fruits and vegetables and added more emphasis on number of servings but they were so vague that they only served to confuse.
How are you supposed to know what 6-11 servings of bread and cereal, 2-4 servings of fruit, 3-5 servings of vegetables, etc look like at the end of the day? Seriously, 2-4 isn’t a range, it’s a 100% shift. Also there were further complication is that 2-4 was to be a minimum while 2-3 in the meat group was a maximum although they didn’t print that on the pyramid. So now 2-4 is not even a range but somehow a minimum? And what kind of OCD person could follow this?
If you’re scratching your head right now trying to figure out why they would make this so vague and confusing, the answer is simple. Anytime the regulatory agencies try to do anything good for the people they’re trying to protect, they are met with screaming lobbyists that don’t want their companies to look bad or be forced into expensive changes. Usually the end result of the lobbying is watered down guidelines and wordings in new laws that are easy to get around. There is a great example of this in my “What is Yellow #5 (tartrazine)” post.
You’ll also notice that most of the wordings make it seem like it’s good for you to eat more. Tell me you haven’t heard things like “It’s a great way to get in all of your recommended servings of vegetables”. It’s all worded to make you eat more because then the companies the lobbyists represent can sell you more food. When you hear something like, need to be getting in 6 to 11 servings of bread and cereal, the automatic association is the more you get in, the better. You’re working all day to get in your 11 servings of bread and cereal (which is the base of your recommended diet). An extra large bowl of Froot Loops is great because that’s like 4 servings of cereal out of the way in one swoop.
This leads us to another huge problem with the food groups and pyramid system most of us grew up with. They don’t differentiate between good and bad foods. Whole wheat vs. white, bologna vs. chicken, fruit vs. fruit juice; it’s all the same. Froot Loops are just as much part of the “healthy” bread and cereal group as steel cut oats and ketchup is in fact a vegetable (fruit?)
Here’s your Smart Choice reminder that you’re being healthy.
Checking out the website, you’ll notice that there is no mention of differentiation at all. If you look into breads by clicking on that section of the pyramid, you’ll see a single recommendation that says to make some of your selections products that are “made with” whole grains so you can get your fiber. That’s it. No emphasis at all and everything but fiber is ignored. They didn’t want you to know about all the other differences so you could make a wise choice. Also, "made with"? Look around the rest of it. They make no effort to give you almost any advice other than avoid fat like the plague. Choose skim milk and fat free yogurt. Eat lean meat and trim off any fat you see. Always choose low fat or fat free options. Here’s my favorite paragraph on the page…
“Be sure to eat at least the lowest number of servings from the five major food groups listed below. You need them for the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and protein they provide. Just try to pick the lowest fat choices from the food groups. No specific serving size is given for the fats, oils, and sweets group because the message is USE SPARINGLY.”
A couple things I want you to notice there. First is the beginning wording “BE SURE (psychological authority) to eat AT LEAST THE LOWEST number of servings from the FIVE MAJOR FOOD GROUPS” Obviously written to make you feel like you’re not eating enough.
The next thing I want you to notice is the leaving out of fat in what you get from your food. We know that fat is a vital nutrient (even saturated fat). Without it, your body will not be able to perform many functions including cell creation. Also, your hormones will go completely out of whack. Dietary fat is incredibly important!
Then they go even further and flat out tell you that fat should be avoided. They even used cap locks in telling you to avoid it. Don’t you think they knew in 1992 that fat was important to you? After all, just 8 years later they added “oils” into the new version as a necessity. Believe me, the USDA did not learn this in those 8 years. Here’s proof. In 1942 the USDA came out with the 7 major food groups. This lasted until 1955 when they decided to make it less complex so they whittled it down to four.
The Seven Groups (1942)
- Milk
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Eggs
- Meat (Fish, Poultry, Cheese)
- Cereal
- Butter ßBAM!! Butter was a food group!
Shocking? Wrong? Stupid? We were so naïve back then? No! Butter in many cultures used to be celebrated for its amazing health giving qualities. There were winter festivals surrounding the harvest of the rich orange butter created from the healthy mineral rich grass fed cows. The butter was given first to the children and pregnant women because they needed the nutrients the most.
In fact, you should take a look at Dr. Weston A. Price’s book, ‘Nutrition and Physical Degeneration’ for some shocking information on this topic. After reading that book you will want to scream, cry, or possibly kill someone over all the lies you’ve been told and all the damage it’s done to you and your family. Did you know human beings following a healthy diet that live active lifestyles should be able to weather temperatures just above the freezing point without bundling up and without severe discomfort? It’s not just about sick, sad, and stupid. It’s not even about breaking bones, needing braces, asthma, and ADHD. We can’t even comprehend just how weak we are anymore because there is no example of what real health even is in the modern day.
So yes, butter was a food group and it wasn’t changed due to new research. It was only removed as they decided to make the guidelines simpler. Notice eggs on there as well? In fact, if you pay attention you’ll notice that four of the food groups (milk, meat, eggs, and butter) are all loaded with fat and cholesterol. Now consider that the FIRST study on cardio vascular health and disease (heart disease anyone?) wasn’t published until 1958 (three years after this was changed) and the obesity rate was under 10% in the US. Today over 60% of us are overweight and heart disease is the #1 killer. What happened? More interesting data was that between 1960 and 1980 the obesity rate stayed stable. Then in the 80’s we went on an anti-fat crusade (see above) and our obesity rates skyrocketed all the way until today.
The point is, the USDA has always known that fat is healthy. In fact, the healthiest indigenous societies have diets up to 60% in saturated fats and cholesterol. It’s quite a flip then to go from that to NO FAT!! USE SPARINGLY!!
Folks, the FDA and the USDA don’t care about you. Grain is cheaper and more profitable than meat so you should ignore the meat eating teeth that god gave you to get to the nutrients in the meat we’re supposed to eat and go eat seeds and berries instead. Are we supposed to eat fruits and vegetables too? Of course we are but you may notice that many seeds, nuts, and other vegetation such as corn and lettuce ends up whole in your feces. It’s because your body isn’t optimized to digest it so you’re not absorbing the most of the nutrients. Think about it. If pieces of whole food are going through you without being broken down, how much of what looks broken down actually got completely broken down so you could truly absorb the nutrients? It may sound disgusting but when was the last time you pooped chicken?
Now that I’ve completely ranted I have one last topic. This was the topic I actually wanted to talk about in the beginning of this entire thing; the education factor and why it’s messing you up.
For millennia, human beings have been much like other animals. We scavenged around and we ate whatever it was that we found that was edible. We ate whatever we could kill or scavenge. We ate the big, the small, dangerous, the furry, and even the six-legged. When vegetation was in bloom and accessible we ate anything that was digestible and not poisonous. When it wasn’t, it was all about whatever we could store that wouldn’t go bad and the animals we could kill. The point is, we ate what we had and as long as we had enough we were quite healthy.
We didn’t have supermarkets and specialty stores with thousands of options. We didn’t have 6-11 grains, 2-4 fruits, 3-5 vegetables, 2-3 dairy, and 2-3 meat servings. Honestly, the natural world wasn’t set up for that to be possible as you never traveled more than a few miles away from your home. What were the chances that wild broccoli was growing next to some wild carrots and tomatoes? What were the odds that you had a super berry growing next to your cave over by the spinach? There aren’t many places in the world that you could naturally eat a large variety of foods before agriculture. The fact is we weren’t built to need all this variety. We CAN eat it but it’s not what we were designed for and if it’s not what we were designed for why are you being told now that you MUST do it to be healthy?
The point is not to stop eating a variety of foods but that the USDA has gone out of their way to create rules around something that nature never thought necessary. In fact, the only rules of nutrition are to eat the things that were designed to be food for you by god and the environment around you and not by man. Here are 2 rules. If it wasn’t a major food source for people 10,000 years ago, it still isn’t. Rule #2, don’t eat so much that if a lion were suddenly chasing you, you’d be too full to run and grab your spear.
See, in making all of these rules they have you in a state where you are now easily marketed to. I once had a guy tell me that he could eat all the cotton candy and Skittles he wanted and be healthy because they had no fat in them. Sad thing is, Skittles have been known to put “a fat free food” on their paikaging and they only do that because it sells! As a kid I once made a white bread, bologna, and American cheese sandwich that I added ketchup to in order to make it fit all four food groups. Based on USDA and school teaching, I truly was being healthy.
If there weren’t a bunch of rules like no fat, no one would ever look at Skittles as healthy and Froot Loops could never have a Smart Choice check box on it. They’d be laughed out. If you weren’t told to watch your calories no one would be fooled into buying 100 calorie paiks of Oreo’s and if you weren’t so concerned about being a good boy or girl that get’s in you recommended vegetable servings, you may have paid more attention to the fact that vegetables have become a genetic science experiment instead of a healthy food.
People ask me why I don’t write articles like “The top 10 super foods you must include in your diet” or “Feeling depressed? Try these five foods to beat those blues!” These articles get views. They get forwarded around. These are what the doctors and professional write that get published on MSN and in magazines. This is the stuff that is eaten up by your average Joe and Jane but it’s only because the average Joe and Jane is used to being confused. It started in school and it continues today.
We don’t need a food pyramid and we don’t need a super berry from the side of a remote Tibetan mountain. We need to stop eating genetically modified processed garbage and sick grain fed animals and get back to eating what we were created to eat. Do that and we will be healthier and we won’t be fat. Or, we can go grab ourselves some reduced sugar Smart Choice Toaster Strudels “now with real fruit” and wonder why we're fat, sick, stupid, ADHD, diabetic, depressed, impotent, sterile, and sleepless.
I have so much more to say but at 6 pages, this is by far my longest post and it needs to end. You know I’ll be back soon though with more.
Oh, if you didn’t see it, Food Inc is the #5 best selling DVD in 2010 so far on Amazon! People are waking up! So, as always, I’ll keep putting out the info if you keep bringing in the readers. Together we absolutely CAN change the direction of this ship and take our health back for good.
Until next time,
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